Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Last Day!!!

It has been crazy trying to meet my requirements for this year. I haven't struggled too much besides the fact that I couldn't find my class 3 patient for the longest time despite my best efforts. Well, last minute I got it and I passed!!! I'm not going on academic probation!!! Now that all the stress is gone, I'm honestly kind of sad to leave clinic. I really love school and I think it is fun working on patients everyday (when I don't have to worry about if they are the right patient or not. I'm feeling pretty good right now. I got two quads down in and hour and a half, which I'm thinking is pretty good. That is kind of how long it took me to do my first class 1b forever ago, so I know that I've improved a lot. Now it is time to go celebrate with icecream! Yeha!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Class three frustration - wednesday, thursday, and friday

I think I must have the worst luck in the world. On Friday of last week I scheduled four people to come ot a screening. I was hoping that they would all be good class three canadits, but unfortunatley I just got some difficult class twos. Wednesday I screened six more people. I found a patient for me and one for a friend, but in order to clean my patient I was going to have to work with my schedule. He was leaving on Sunday, so I had Thursday and Friday (off clinic days) to clean him. I got everything worked out with teachers, and unfortunatley there was some miscommunication on Thursday and he didn't come. He did come today and I was able to finish two quads, but now I'm left to find a couple more quads with moderate perio. It has been a mess. I'm sure trying, but things aren't quite going as I hoped. Monday I'll probably screen a few more people. I learned a lot today and now have a lot to work on. I don't think I'm instrumenting as well as I should. I definitely don't know how to get tenacious calculus off and I don't know how to get in teeth pocketss. I need to go over tooth anatomy and I need to take the time to do things right and have some instructors help me before I move on. My goal for Monday is to find a class three patient. My goal for Wednesday is to clean two quads of that patient. My goal Monday (when I see my class two) is to pass of all of my PE's and work on instrumentation. Hopefully I can get done with everything. I'm cutting it close, but I'm trying as hard as I can. I don't know what more I can do. I'm doing be best and working my hardest and yet things just aren't working out for me. It is difficult to stay positive, but I'm doing my best.