Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sept. 16, 2009

It's kind of silly that I am writing these when nobody looks at it but me. I guess I should look at and respond to other blogs. Today in clinic we need extra oral exams and they felt sooooo good!!! I'll volunteer as a patient for those any day. I kind of want to go home and practice them on people now. I'm going to have to work on all the names of the objects that I am palpating. I remember what they are called from Anatomy when I hear them, but anatomy was a long time ago and I have forgotten many of the names. We also got to practice using the mirror in our pod partners mouth! That was fun, but I really have no idea what I'm doing. I know what the mirror is used for, but I'm struggling with where to put a folcrum. The TA reasures me that such know-how comes with practice. I forgot to clock in today until just know, so I'm going to have to ask the front desk if that is okay. I'm not sure if clocking in is for the purpose of just showing that we were here or if it is to show how long we were here. I will ask Dr. Solomon to be sure. I passed off two PE's today. I got done with my vitals and positioning. Next Monday the Health History is due. I'm kind of nervous about that one since it is so long. I'm going to take it home and work on it over the weekend. I hope I remember everything I'm supposed to do. I've done enough practice with it you'd think I'd be confident, but there is just too much to mess up on. Well, that is all. It has been a good, fun, and productive day and I'm loving every minute of it!

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