Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First 1A

I got to see my cute nieces today! It was my first time seeing a 1A patient and I tried my best to look up what to do, but there really wasn't any information about what to do. Long story short, I missed a couple of things on OD and now I have learned that you OD like an adult. I'm a little worried about seeing the next 1A because I don't no how to get kids to do things. My nieces will do whatever I ask, but what if another little kid doesn't open his mouth. I also learned today that I have been more worried about getting things done on time and not enough about doing it right. I need to fix that. I need to realize that things will go faster for me if I do them the right way. I don't want to get fast at doing things wrong. My goal for my next patient isn't necessarily to take my time, but to do things the right way. And if I have a question, I need to ask for assistance to learn how to do it right. I need to learn self-master, not speed. That is all. It has been a rough day, but many lessons learned.

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