Monday, March 29, 2010

No class three again!

I had a patient come in today and was hoping that he would be a class three since that is just about the only requirement that I have left for this year and if I don't get that requirement, I'm going to have to be a first year next year until I find my class three. My future mom-in-law Cynthia is going to call an elderly man tomorrow and see if he would like to come in on Wednesday for a screening. Hopefully he says yes, and hopefully he is my three. It could be scary. I try not to worry about it too much though. It sounds like everyone else is in the same boat as I am in one way or another. I was foolish and didn't make any sort of goals or progression today, mostly because I was worried about this being my class three. Next time I see a patient and do the OD I will be sure to check on how fast I am probing. Another goal I have is to practice leading with the toe of the instrument and removing all the calculus before the teacher gets over. I'm good at finding it for the most part, but not all the time. I need to get better at it. Anyways, that is all for now.

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